Ceiling Mounted Projectors vs Floor-mounted Projectors

October 04, 2021

Ceiling Mounted Projectors vs Floor-mounted Projectors

If you're planning a presentation, movie night, or a full-on cinema experience, choosing the right type of projector is essential. When it comes to mounting, there are two main options: ceiling-mounted and floor-mounted projectors. In this blog post, we'll provide you with a factual comparison between these two options so that you can make an informed decision.

Ceiling-mounted Projectors

Ceiling-mounted projectors are installed onto the ceiling of a room and are secured using brackets. This type of installation ensures that the projector is out of the way and does not take up any valuable floor space. Ceiling-mounted projectors are ideal for larger rooms like conference halls, auditoriums, and lecture halls.


  • Saves floor space
  • Provides a more professional look
  • Reduces the risk of accidental damage


  • Requires professional installation
  • May require additional wiring for power and signal
  • Can cause ceiling damage if not correctly installed

Floor-mounted Projectors

Floor-mounted projectors are placed on a stand or table and can be moved around as needed. This setup is ideal for smaller rooms like classrooms, home theaters, and living rooms. Floor-mounted projectors are also becoming popular in outdoor setups as they are easy to move and provide flexibility.


  • Easy to move and set up in different locations
  • Ideal for smaller rooms
  • No installation required
  • Cost-effective option


  • May take up valuable floor space
  • Can pose a trip hazard
  • Susceptible to accidental damage

Cost Comparison

One of the most significant factors to consider when choosing between ceiling-mounted and floor-mounted projectors is cost. According to our research, ceiling-mounted projectors typically cost around $700, while floor-mounted projectors can cost as little as $150.


In conclusion, both ceiling-mounted and floor-mounted projectors have their advantages and disadvantages. The decision ultimately depends on your specific needs, the size of your room, and your budget. If you have a large room and want a more professional look, a ceiling-mounted projector is the best choice. On the other hand, if you have a smaller room and want flexibility, a floor-mounted projector is the ideal choice.

We hope that our comparison has been informative and helps you make an informed decision. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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